[Firehol-support] need help

Tamer Higazi th982a at googlemail.com
Fri Apr 2 20:42:35 BST 2010

Hi people!
I do have firehol and I have 2 NIC and I really need help.  Because I am
not getting handled that the other CPU in my lan and I am not really an
firewall expert. Could anybody of you help me? How will I have to
configure firehol and the client behind it, that the client easily jumps
through IP-Masquerading in the internet?!

For any advise I would kindly thank you.

eth0:  Bcast:  Maske:
eth3: inet Adresse:  Bcast:  Maske:
ppp0: inet Adresse:85.xxx.xxx.x  P-z-P:  Maske:

and my firewall configuration

# : firehol.sh,v 1.273 2008/07/31 00:46:41 ktsaou Exp $
# This config will have the same effect as NO PROTECTION!
# Everything that found to be running, is allowed.
# Date: So 28. Mär 16:38:57 CEST 2010 on host tux
# The TODOs bellow, are *YOUR* to-dos!

# INFO: Processing interface 'eth0'
# INFO: Processing IP of interface 'eth0'
# INFO: Is part of network yes

# Interface No 1.
# The purpose of this interface is to control the traffic
# on the eth0 interface with IP (net: "").
# TODO: Change "interface1" to something with meaning to you.
# TODO: Check the optional rule parameters (src/dst).
# TODO: Remove 'dst' if this is dynamically assigned.

interface eth0 interface1 src "" dst

    # The default policy is DROP. You can be more polite with REJECT.
    # Prefer to be polite on your own clients to prevent timeouts.
    policy accept

    # If you don't trust the clients behind eth0 (net ""),
    # add something like this.
    # > protection strong

    # Here are the services listening on eth0.
    # TODO: Normally, you will have to remove those not needed.
    server all accept
    client all accept

# INFO: Processing interface 'eth3'
# INFO: Processing IP of interface 'eth3'
# INFO: Is part of network yes

# Interface No 2.
# The purpose of this interface is to control the traffic
# on the eth3 interface with IP (net: "").
# TODO: Change "interface2" to something with meaning to you.
# TODO: Check the optional rule parameters (src/dst).
# TODO: Remove 'dst' if this is dynamically assigned.
interface eth3 interface2 src "" dst

    # The default policy is DROP. You can be more polite with REJECT.
    # Prefer to be polite on your own clients to prevent timeouts.
    policy accept

    # If you don't trust the clients behind eth3 (net ""),
    # add something like this.
    # > protection strong

    # Here are the services listening on eth3.
    # TODO: Normally, you will have to remove those not needed.
    server all accept
    client all accept

# INFO: Processing interface 'ppp0'
# INFO: Processing IP 85.xxx.xxx.x of interface 'ppp0'
# INFO: Is 85.xxx.xxx.x part of network no
# INFO: Is part of network yes
# INFO: Skipping ppp0 peer only interface (default gateway).

# INFO: Is  part of network yes
# INFO: Default gateway  is part of network

# Interface No 3.
# The purpose of this interface is to control the traffic
# from/to unknown networks behind the default gateway .
# TODO: Change "interface3" to something with meaning to you.
# TODO: Check the optional rule parameters (src/dst).
# TODO: Remove 'dst 85.xxx.xxx.x' if this is dynamically assigned.
interface ppp0 interface3 src not "${UNROUTABLE_IPS} " dst 85.xxx.xxx.x

    # The default policy is DROP. You can be more polite with REJECT.
    # Prefer to be polite on your own clients to prevent timeouts.
    policy drop

    # If you don't trust the clients behind ppp0 (net not
    # add something like this.
    protection strong

    # Here are the services listening on ppp0.
    # TODO: Normally, you will have to remove those not needed.
    client all accept

# The above 3 interfaces were found active at this moment.
# Add more interfaces that can potentially be activated in the future.
# FireHOL will not complain if you setup a firewall on an interface that is
# not active when you activate the firewall.
# If you don't setup an interface, FireHOL will drop all traffic from or to
# this interface, if and when it becomes available.
# Also, if an interface name dynamically changes (i.e. ppp0 may become ppp1)
# you can use the plus (+) character to match all of them (i.e. ppp+).

# Router No 1.
# Clients on eth0 (from "") accessing servers on eth3 (to
# TODO: Change "router1" to something with meaning to you.
# TODO: Check the optional rule parameters (src/dst).
router router1 inface eth0 outface eth3 src "" dst

    # If you don't trust the clients on eth0 (from ""), or
    # if you want to protect the servers on eth3 (to ""),
    # uncomment the following line.
    # > protection strong

    # To NAT client requests on the output of eth3, add this.
    # > masquerade
    # Alternatively, you can SNAT them by placing this at the top of
this config:
    # > snat to outface eth3 src "" dst
    # SNAT commands can be enhanced using 'proto', 'sport', 'dport', etc
in order to
    # NAT only some specific traffic.

    # TODO: This will allow all traffic to pass.
    # If you remove it, no REQUEST will pass matching this traffic.
    route all accept

# Router No 2.
# Clients on eth0 (from "") accessing servers on ppp0 (to
not "${UNROUTABLE_IPS} ").
# TODO: Change "router2" to something with meaning to you.
# TODO: Check the optional rule parameters (src/dst).
router router2 inface eth0 outface ppp0 src "" dst not

    # If you don't trust the clients on eth0 (from ""), or
    # if you want to protect the servers on ppp0 (to not
    # uncomment the following line.
    # > protection strong

    # To NAT client requests on the output of ppp0, add this.
    # > masquerade
    # Alternatively, you can SNAT them by placing this at the top of
this config:
    # > snat to 85.xxx.xxx.x outface ppp0 src "" dst not
    # SNAT commands can be enhanced using 'proto', 'sport', 'dport', etc
in order to
    # NAT only some specific traffic.

    # TODO: This will allow all traffic to pass.
    # If you remove it, no REQUEST will pass matching this traffic.
    route all accept

# Router No 3.
# Clients on eth3 (from "") accessing servers on eth0 (to
# TODO: Change "router3" to something with meaning to you.
# TODO: Check the optional rule parameters (src/dst).
router router3 inface eth3 outface eth0 src "" dst

    # If you don't trust the clients on eth3 (from ""), or
    # if you want to protect the servers on eth0 (to ""),
    # uncomment the following line.
    # > protection strong

    # To NAT client requests on the output of eth0, add this.
    # > masquerade
    # Alternatively, you can SNAT them by placing this at the top of
this config:
    # > snat to outface eth0 src "" dst
    # SNAT commands can be enhanced using 'proto', 'sport', 'dport', etc
in order to
    # NAT only some specific traffic.

    # TODO: This will allow all traffic to pass.
    # If you remove it, no REQUEST will pass matching this traffic.
    route all accept

# Router No 4.
# Clients on eth3 (from "") accessing servers on ppp0 (to
not "${UNROUTABLE_IPS} ").
# TODO: Change "router4" to something with meaning to you.
# TODO: Check the optional rule parameters (src/dst).
router router4 inface eth3 outface ppp0 src "" dst not

    # If you don't trust the clients on eth3 (from ""), or
    # if you want to protect the servers on ppp0 (to not
    # uncomment the following line.
    # > protection strong

    # To NAT client requests on the output of ppp0, add this.
    # > masquerade
    # Alternatively, you can SNAT them by placing this at the top of
this config:
    # > snat to 85.xxx.xxx.x outface ppp0 src "" dst not
    # SNAT commands can be enhanced using 'proto', 'sport', 'dport', etc
in order to
    # NAT only some specific traffic.

    # TODO: This will allow all traffic to pass.
    # If you remove it, no REQUEST will pass matching this traffic.
    route all accept

# Router No 5.
# Clients on ppp0 (from not "${UNROUTABLE_IPS} ") accessing servers on
eth0 (to "").
# TODO: Change "router5" to something with meaning to you.
# TODO: Check the optional rule parameters (src/dst).
router router5 inface ppp0 outface eth0 src not "${UNROUTABLE_IPS} " dst

    # If you don't trust the clients on ppp0 (from not
    # if you want to protect the servers on eth0 (to ""),
    # uncomment the following line.
    # > protection strong

    # To NAT client requests on the output of eth0, add this.
    # > masquerade
    # Alternatively, you can SNAT them by placing this at the top of
this config:
    # > snat to outface eth0 src not "${UNROUTABLE_IPS} "
dst ""
    # SNAT commands can be enhanced using 'proto', 'sport', 'dport', etc
in order to
    # NAT only some specific traffic.

    # TODO: This will allow all traffic to pass.
    # If you remove it, no REQUEST will pass matching this traffic.
    route all accept

# Router No 6.
# Clients on ppp0 (from not "${UNROUTABLE_IPS} ") accessing servers on
eth3 (to "").
# TODO: Change "router6" to something with meaning to you.
# TODO: Check the optional rule parameters (src/dst).
router router6 inface ppp0 outface eth3 src not "${UNROUTABLE_IPS} " dst

    # If you don't trust the clients on ppp0 (from not
    # if you want to protect the servers on eth3 (to ""),
    # uncomment the following line.
    # > protection strong

    # To NAT client requests on the output of eth3, add this.
    # > masquerade
    # Alternatively, you can SNAT them by placing this at the top of
this config:
    # > snat to outface eth3 src not "${UNROUTABLE_IPS} "
dst ""
    # SNAT commands can be enhanced using 'proto', 'sport', 'dport', etc
in order to
    # NAT only some specific traffic.

    # TODO: This will allow all traffic to pass.
    # If you remove it, no REQUEST will pass matching this traffic.
    route all accept

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