[Firehol-support] text "ERROR" shown by "fireqos status" for first class in class group

Phil Whineray phil at sanewall.org
Fri Apr 24 07:57:54 CEST 2015

On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 09:11:11AM +0200, Phineas Gage wrote:
> I started trying to digest your bridging documentation but that’s going to
> take more time, so I’ll give it another go later. I see it’s rather
> complicated, so that suggests that even though the bridge config I have
> is working, there may be some surprises in behavior I’m not aware of,
> so look forward to getting my head around it.

If you are using physin/physout on pairs of ports within a single
bridge everything should just work and the flags added to silence
the syslog warnings are not a problem.

If you use them on any other combination of network devices then
I believe the new flags instruct netfilter to drop the packets
before the physout match is done, which is why the warning is no
longer emitted. It also means nothing matches even if it seems it
should based on the values in the config.

What I didn't check (but will this weekend) is whether when the original
syslog warning flag is emitted, the check is ignored (similar to my
proposal) or whether physout just never matches (same behaviour as
new flags).

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