[Firehol-support] IRC blocking

John Dalton John.Dalton at varrqnuht.net
Tue Aug 3 00:57:00 BST 2004

Hi Christian,

Just thought I'd pop my head up here.

Are you trying to prevent IRC traffic *to* your server, *from* your 
server, or just from client PCs being routed through it?

The latter option seems like the most likely case - that you want to 
stop client PCs on your network from being able to use IRC with 
external servers.  If this is the case then I'd say it's beeing 
allowed because of this rule:

Christian - Salcam wrote:

>                 #Routing internal to external interface
>         router internal2external inface eth1 outface eth0
>                 masquerade
>                 route all accept

Try adding this line between "masquerade" and "route all accept":

   route irc reject

(everyone else - please correct me if I'm wrong.)


John Dalton

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