[Firehol-support] locking down a dual stack bridging firewall with firehol

Tsaousis, Costa costa at tsaousis.gr
Thu Nov 13 12:43:46 GMT 2014

> I can’t stress enough the difference that the FireQOS (and probably fq_codel) has made for us. We can have 10 or more active users on our 4 Mbps / 0.3 Mbps ADSL, and well, at least you can still browse the web, to some extent. :)

That's very nice.
I have 3x ADSL (6 Mbps down / 1Mbps up) balanced on 130 users and it
is working very nice too...
I have another script 'smart-routing.sh' that handles the balancing
(configures balancing and re-configures it when ADSLs come up or go
down). I have not pushed it to FireHOL yet, because it is very poorly
written, but if you want to add more ADSLs and balance them, I could
write a small wiki page on how to use it.



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