[Firehol-support] Recommended method to re-resolve domain names

Phil Whineray phil at firehol.org
Wed Aug 1 08:10:15 BST 2018

On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 05:14:54PM -0500, Mitch Claborn wrote:
> I haven't found a built-in clean way to use IPSets for dynamic DNS entries.
> The ipset helper command in firehol works well for the initial setup, but I
> don't see a way to just run firehol to update the ipsets without also
> rebuilding the firewall.

Full disclosure: I haven't tried this myself, so maybe you did and it
didn't do what you need. On the offchance you missed it, the original
guide link [1] describes towards the end a firehol command line parameter,
ipset_update_from_file, which seems like it could do this.


1: https://firehol.org/guides/ipset/

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